Equipment : 200 m x 200 mm square baking pan or baking ring
Yield: 16 x large marshmallow cubes
Strawberry Marshmallow
125 g Castor Sugar
35 g Invert Sugar (1)
40 g Strawberry puree
55 g Invert Sugar (2)
70 g Gelatin mix (10 g gelatin powder + 60g water)
Note: If you are unable to get invert sugar, simply use glucose syrup as substitute.
Marshmallow Dusting Powder
50 g Icing Sugar
30 g Freeze Dried Strawberry powder (optional)
50 g Corn Flour
For the Marshmallow
Before proceeding to making the marshmallow, make sure to weight up all ingredients ready to go. Line a tray with silicone mat or baking paper sprayed with oil with a 20 cm x 20 cm square rings and oiled sprayed around the sides to ensure that the marshmallow do not get stuck on the base and ring after it has set. (Ensure that the baking paper at the base is oiled as well or the marshmallow will not come off when set!)
Note: If you do not have a baking ring, simply use a similar size shallow baking pan. Line the pan with non stick parchment paper rand ensure that you oil the base and the sides of the parchment paper.
1. Place Castor sugar, Invert Sugar (1) and Strawberry Puree into a pot. Place trimoline (2) into a stand mixer bowl with a whisk attachment and set aside ready to use.
2. Meanwhile, mix gelatin powder with cold water to make the gelatin mix.
3. Once all the ingredients are ready, bring the puree and sugar mix pot over medium heat and bring to a boil until it reaches 110°C.
4. While the syrup is heating, have the mixer whisking the additional invert sugar at medium speed.
5. Once the liquid have reached the desired temperature, remove the pot from the heat, whisk in the gelatin solution. Turn the mixer to low speed, gradually stream in the strawberry syrup.
6. Once all the syrup has been added, increase the speed to high and whisk until the mixture cools and aerate.
7. The marshmallow is ready when it has tripled in size, is fluffy and starts to pull away from the side of the bowl but still slightly soft. It should still run down the whisk but not too much for easy pouring and smoothing out when you remove it from the mixing bowl.
8. Spray the spatula and palette knife with oil, transfer the marshmallow into the cake pan or square cake ring then smooth the surface.
9. Leave the marshmallow at room temperature wrapped in cling film and let rest over night.
10. The next day, gently remove the marshmallow from the pan/ring and dust the strawberry dusting on both sides of the marshmallow and cut in to 16 equal cubes with an oiled knife. Roll each cubes generously with the dusting powder and store in an air tight container. Keep away from moisture and humidity.
11. For best result, store the cut marshmallows in the airtight container with the strawberry dusting powder. Every now and then, shake the container to toss the marshmallow over and over again in the dusting powder and let the marshmallow dry out in the container wrapped for two days before serving.
The marshmallow can keep up to 2 weeks or more if stored correctly.